Secretary Diana Knight is housesitting for her boss. She resents the fact that he expects her to interrupt her weekend plans in order to pick up his newspapers and water his plants. Consequently she racks up some long distance charges on his phone and then uses it to call her friend Alexis Taylor. She invites Alexis over to the boss' place to watch some movies. A moment or two after hanging up the receiver Diana hears a noise behind her. Before she can turn around someone has clapped a hand over her mouth and informed her that any resistance will be futile. Less than an hour later Alexis arrives at the boss' home. She becomes a bit alarmed when Diana fails to answer the repeated rings of the doorbell and finally she tries the doorknob. It turns in her hand. After a short hesitation Alexis calls out Diana's name and slowly enters the foyer.She hears muffled cries emanating from the living room and races toward the sound. To her utter shock she finds Diana gagged and tied up on the couch. In an instant she is at her friend's side trying to remove her gag. Unfortunately for both women Alexis has failed to notice the razor-wielding man lurking behind her in the corner of the room..
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